Wednesday 28 August 2013

For the love of your Hair Transplant Surgery

The functionality of human hair
In mammals, hair covers almost all of the body in varying textures and thicknesses. While for some mammals it works as fur providing warmth, saving their tender skin and accessing them camouflage. But human hair functionality is not much about warmth and camouflage is it?
The major function of human hair might be to compliment your appearance, but on a medical note it is to insulate the body, friction buffering and to soak sweat Hair also soaks up sweat from the skin so that it won't cause irritation from friction and it also redirects sweat so that certain parts of the body can dry faster and stay protected. Hair in the armpits pulls sweat from the armpits to cool the area and eyebrows redirect sweat from the forehead away from the eyes.
Hair Loss treatment and Hair Restoration
Hair loss is a major tension in our lives. No one likes it when they lose more hair than they grow. It’s different that I have the hair and the freedom to choose to cut it short or shave my head, knowing that I will have it back, but losing it permanently freaks us out nonetheless.
Hair loss treatment does not always involve surgery; it is anything from using coconut hair oil to any elixir you can find including raw eggs. If you happen to be vegan then it’s great that you are, your hair is willing to be affluent with health, but excessive premature hair loss is rather a genetic cause which doesn’t respond to vegan diet and coconut oil when its time has come to fall.
However, as long as your hair loss can be prevented it is good, to men it is a more common problem than women and there are too some good medications, 5a reductase inhibitors and vasodilators which control male pattern baldness by affecting the blood circulation and hormonal levels of the body.
Hair Transplant surgeries have developed to a high standard to for the love of hair and making hair restoration a necessity.  The newer technologies of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) procedures use the techniques involving microscopic dissection and NeoGraft mechanisms can perform an undetectable hair restoration opposed to the old pluggy and obvious results, that to have them one would rather prefer baldness.

Hair Restoration cost makes it easier for a commoner to opt for this and plan this out, but it is always the cue that you consult only the best in town or travel to the city which has a group of boarded surgeons and talented and intelligent individuals whom you can recognise through their past patients and before after images.  Hair Restoration cost in London is priced between £2,000 and £8,000 either depending on transplanted grafts or sessions.

A fresh review of Liposuction and its new technologies

Let’s start with Liposuction. The whole thing was initiated sometime in the mid 1900s when it used to be under general anaesthesia referred as dry technique, which put the patient to sleep and would conduct the surgery without any preparation to the treatable area. several incisions would be made and a stainless steel cannula would be inserted into the area and sort of poked inside the skin to break up the fatty cells and once the surgeon is satisfied, the churned fat would be suctioned out via a tube and aspirator; this resulted in excessive blood loss and bruising because the cannula would just cut into the skin over again. And as the patient won’t feel anything during and shortly after the surgery, would be but exposed to a lot of post surgical trauma like pain, dizziness and weakness due to blood loss and uneven results. Blood composed approximately thirty percent (30%) of the tissue that was removed by liposuction using the dry technique.
In the mid 1980s with the usage of tumescent technique the surgery gained some foothold in the medical world as a considerable way of removing subcutaneous fat from the abdomen, thighs, back and buttocks, all for the love of good contours.  
The procedure involved to intravenously inject a large amount of local anesthetics mixed with adrenalin into the treatable area which made the capillaries to constrict and swell and harden up the area this would appear that while breaking the surrounding skin to the fat would be stiff and hard while the fat would be soft. So once the cannula would start breaking the fat the skin being hard and swollen won’t be as much bruised. This technique worked well and surgical trauma was less and recovery faster. SO much that the tumescent technique succeeded over as the second generation liposuction and the dry technique expired and it is no more used.
A few years later ultrasound liposuction was introduced which was further developed and patented by the Colorado based Sound Surgical Technologies as Vaser Liposuction as the third generation of the procedure whose equipments and ways of the procedure are ruling the roost for 30 years now.
The technique involves the same tumescent liposuction and the advancement is the cannula used is a microcannula that is thinner than the older ones and is powered with ultrasound probes vibrating into the fat till the deep layers without damaging any surrounding tissue or collagen. This would not only break up but melt the fat into a smooth liquid which makes the pumping out of it a very easy. The surgeon can control how much energy is exerted into the area and increase and decrease the amount of energy accordingly and more specifically to minute areas. This was FDA and CE approved in 2004 and so on. And is the most widely used procedure of liposuction.
Laser Liposuction is another pioneer in the third generation liposuction powered by Cynosure as SmartLipo which uses light as its medium performing laser lipolysis. This actually burns the fat layers faster. Other ways of laser lipolysis include Pro Lipo, Cool Lipo and LipoLite and many more, but SmartLipo is the widely recognised FDA approved technology surgeons trust the most.
Vaser Hi def is the fourth generation technique which offers to not only remove the subcutaneous fat but also mold the patient’s body mimicking the musculature with a defined contours just like a natural six pack abs. This is much popular with male models and body builders that to sustain the look you have to maintain a good lifestyle including a balanced diet, some mandatory exercises and controlled consumption of narcotics.
Vaser Mid Def does the same thing but giving a softer definition just to firm and tighten the skin of various areas. This is much popular among women, as abdomen the mostly treatable area.
Now Vasersmooth is another minimal invasive cosmetic surgery devised by Vaser to provide a good aid for cellulite removal, which is an involuntary condition in women to develop gel like fat in more superficial layers of their skin resulting in a wrinkled and dimpled skin around the thighs, lower abdomen and buttocks. This is a 2-3 hour long surgery with a 7days downtime and recovery with permanent removal of the fat.

Micro liposuction is a procedure which involves the use of a smaller cannula , sometimes less than two millimeters wide, to remove cells of fat from areas like the chin and other areas of the face and neck. It is also a good option for gynecomastia and male breast reduction surgery.

This information is entirely based on face to face discussion with 2 highly qualified plastic surgeons practicing Vaser Liposuction and other techniques of the same at a state of the art and much reputed cosmetic clinic in London. This information is applicable for practitioners and seeking patients worldwide.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Male pattern baldness and hair loss

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) is a scale proposed by researcher Dr. James Hamilton in 1950 which was further developed by Dr. O’Tar Norwood. This classifies the several types or stages of baldness which structures from Stage 1 to 7.
 Androgenic Alopecia (AGA) is the scientific name for Pattern Baldness; there are other types of baldness but AGA is the most common one. There are two types of Male Pattern Baldness:
·         Anterior – Baldness starting from the temples of your head.
·         Vertex – Baldness starting from the middle of your head.
Male pattern baldness occurs only at center or front of the head but the hair of the sides and back are generally unaffected by it. And hair follicles from these areas are used for Hair Transplantation.
What are the Causes of Male Pattern Baldness?
·         Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), is an enzyme synthesised from Androgen hormones that is the primary male sex hormone affects to Androgenic Alopecia, hence the name. However, the exact involvement of DHT in causing AGA is not yet discovered.

·          Genetic inheritance is a major cause of Baldness.

·         Excess stress, harsh environmental conditions, and excess sun exposure can also lead to Hair loss and Baldness.

·         Drugs like strong steroids and pain killers can cause excess hair loss and baldness.

Stages of MPB
Ø  Stage 1 – Starts with follicle miniaturization resulting in hair loss from the cranial (middle of head) and lateral (temple) areas of head with thick and thin strands of hair. You will notice your hair slits broadening and your hair thinning.

Ø  Stage 2 – Starts with “Receding Hairline” or “Thinning Crown”
Ø  From Stage 3 to 6 the visibility just increases resulting in the final stage when you’ve lost almost all the hair in your head.

Non-Pattern Baldness
Other than Androgenic Alopecia, there are other forms of Baldness as well:
Ø  Tricho-tillo-mania - Looks like a patchy baldness in areas of the head. This is mostly a psychological case with people who have the habit of pulling their own hair, and sometimes this habit causes patches of hair fall. Sticking with strange tight hairstyles and hair accessories can also effect in the same. The treatment for this kind of baldness is completely based on personalized evaluation detecting the exact cause.

Ø   Alopecia Areata – a poor immune system can lead to thinning of hair and baldness with sections of hair looking like islands in one’s head. Diagnosis is based on Medical History.

Ø   Triangular alopecia – Hair loss temporal areas that sometimes begins in childhood. Hair loss may be complete, or a few fine, thin-diameter hairs may remain. The cause of triangular alopecia is not known, but the condition can be treated medically or surgically.

Ø  Scarring alopecia – occurs mostly in women with hair loss due to any scarring on the scalp. The condition frequently occurs in African-American women and is believed to be associated with persistent tight braiding or "corn-rowing" of scalp hair.

Ø  Loose-anagen syndrome – might occur in primarily blondes, might be childhood with weak hair follicles resulting in hair loss to combing and stroking.

Hair Restoration/ Hair Loss treatments
Hair loss treatments include, medication, rubbing of coconut/almond/ olive even mustard oil as per availability into the scalp, Laser Hair combs, and hair camouflage. This are all for hair loss treatment. But if you are affected by the appearance of the scalp or baldness there with Hair Restoration comes into the scene.
This typically means hair transplant surgery by means of either FUT or FUE and BHFUE.
FUT is follicular unit transplant procedure which takes the age old strip harvesting technique by surgically removing a strip of skin off the back of the patient’s scalp and in that strip of skin there will some thousand of hair follicles which shall be immune to DHT levels and hair loss, genetically. The follicles are surely extracted from the skin keeping the grafts intact. The scar can be detected closes with fine suturing the finer the less detectable would it be that too in the folds of upper layers of hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is to strenuously extract one hair at a time resulting in less detectable scarring however, this will require a bigger donor site to fill up a a bigger recipient than that it would take for FUT. FUE is great for female hair transplant to cover up a more diffusive pattern and smaller areas of baldness. BHFUE is body hair follicular unit extraction is the same process of FUE wherein body hair can be used.

Addiction The other side of cosmetic surgery

Body dismorphic disorder (BDD) is often regarded as the syndrome to persons obsessed with aesthetic surgery in a continual process, weather they have a problem area or they don’t. They just feel inferior and want changes. Normal people perhaps cannot relate to the anxiety but them who are suffering from this disorder often happen to lose their way of life with this, just like an alcoholic or a druggist.
The most commonly sought cosmetic surgeries in the UK in the recent time include Liposuction, Breast Augmentation, breast lift, mole removal procedures.
Liposuction - this is to contour one’s body lines and there are some misconceptions attached to it. One is that it is regarded as a slimming tool, which is not wholly true. The sense is that liposuction is meant for removing subcutaneous fat and this will shape your body lines to some extent. Unlike the other kind of fat that is visceral fat subcutaneous fat is most likely to not respond to diet and exercise hence liposuction is often an obvious choice if one can afford it. Obsessed persons are often a regular in a number of Liposuction clinics in London. It isn’t to be subjected to the patient always, where often this is also the case when the surgery won’t be even up to realistic expectations and the past patient is just seeking a hopeful correction of her scars and unevenly contoured problem area. Newer technological advances like Vaser Liposuction and Smart lipo have evidently minimised the happening of unsatisfactory results. These new technologies can avail to liquefy the hard subcutaneous fat which specifies maximum removal till the deep layers of unwanted subcutaneous fat and meanwhile not damaging any surrounding tissue nerves or muscles and also keeping the essential fat cells residing in the folds of muscles intact. Vaser applies sound vibrations by means of ultrasound assisted liposuction and Smart lipo does the same thing by means of light radiation. These two technologies are the protagonists of the safety of liposuction, but there are a number of other procedures with a number of names.
Breast Augmentation – This is still fresh in every ones’ memory when a famous breast implant manufacturer was found manufacturing poor implants which would rupture sooner than probable. It was also rumored that rupturing of breast implants inside the body and the gel silicone mixing with blood can cause breast cancer. And hence the silicone gel breast implants was further devised with saline filled implants which, even if ruptures would not cause any trouble if mixed with blood.
And this is the scene; often common beings are influenced with the flow of trends that provoke one over again to become increasingly unhappy of one self. This is the reason where it is widely advised to choose the expensive surgeon who’s the most reputed in your state, if you don’t have him in your state then travel to where he is, the point is, it is widely depreciated that you trust someone unwilling with the power over yourself with a life hanging procedure.
Addiction to cosmetic surgery is a psychological disorder that is given with often depression of oneself from her/his surroundings. This is a common case with women whereas men also suffer from involuntary aesthetic inferiorities. One such man problem is gynecomastia and chest fat or false gynecomastia. This is a genetic disorder where men are diagnosed with a supposed hormonal disorder wherein they develop breasts with mammary glands and tissue. The diagnosis of this disorder is still understudy and the imbalance of female primary hormones happen to stimulate exceeding male primary hormone—as all kinds of hormones are present in the bodies of both sexes in their differentiated levels.

However unlikely this sounds, gynecomastia is a common disorder and men often go through a depression out of this. The surgery goes wrong when the gland is not completely removed. If there is no presence of glands then it is false gynecomastia which is more common with 3 out of 5 men having it. Especially over weighted people. Fat removal from chest surgery is performed via liposuction notably Vaser liposuction and gynecomastia surgery requires open excision that is the surgeon will make an incision in the patient’s areaola and surgically remove the breast gland. The gland has to be removed completely otherwise it won’t serve the purpose of your costs spent. Finding the right surgeon is still an expensive thing no doubt in the UK, but takes it the hard way, even the cheapest costs are not worth it. 

Monday 5 August 2013

All about cosmetic procedures for vaser liposuction

Cosmetic surgery is the most well known branch of Plastic surgery that many ones suppose as both are the same thing. There are a number of segments of cosmetic surgery is rather aesthetic surgery.  it is a myth that aesthetic surgeries are usually used by women, whereas men go for cosmetic surgery with all their masculine attitudes and habituations.
Vaser Liposuction— is not a body slimming procedure but a good option when you are looking for body contouring. And this is viral with all kinds of people going under the trocar needle and finding visible and feasible results.
Vaser Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery which is developed with ultrasonic vibrations to melt down the body fat into a buttery liquid before suction. This process makes it much less invasive to the body than others. It is efficient in its own terms as the less the body is affected with post surgical trauma the more it can take and
And then not just for models and celebrities it is a popular name in households as well with lots and lots of men and women trying to get with it. And widest treated being the liposuction on the abdomen, flanks and thighs is one of the most commonly sought cosmetic procedures when comes to common clients.
It’s another myth that women are the crazier about aesthetic perfection than men, then denoting the fact, that these cosmetic surgeries are considered in a greater sense of normalcy than perfection, the ratio for this body contouring option is opted by both in same to similar percentage.  In fact men make a tad more benefit when it comes to the emergence of gynecomastia or male breasts, and doctors all around the world suggest surgery as the best, permanent and safe option. Male breasts can be a great deal of hack to a common man’s life and while some can live with it still, some can’t because sometimes it leads to a more serious scenario when men develop mammary glands. Then can be tender, painful and sensitive to touch, in this case surgery is rather a requirement. Pseudo gynecomastia is just protruded breast tissue in the area which can be caused by obesity, ageing and a number of reasons that is not harming to the body just odd to look at.
And thus Vaser Liposuction is a commonly sought cosmetic surgery by both men and women that is not always the fancy of perfect aesthetics but a normal tendency to have a normal body.
Mole removal— Another very commonly sought cosmetic surgery procedure is mole removal. Moles are commonly just pigmented cells or benign lesions while otherwise it can be warty growths that might not be pigmented, but bumpy on the skin alright.
While sometimes a small dot above the lip can be very iconic, bigger moles can be hard to don and some moles can be malign that can be cancerous and better removed. At home mole removal, cosmetic cures or chemical peelings is depreciated by surgeons, because moles can be sometimes atypical or cancerous and it is very important to diagnose them before any mole removal procedure.
There are three procedures of mole removal depending on the size and sometimes severity and biopsy of the moles, and the usual risks or surgery include in this one too, that is, bruising, scarring and infection. So consult with only boarded clinics.
·         Shave excision— In case of benign small to medium size moles with a lesser thickness a shave excision is best performed. The surgery is done on an outpatient basis under local anaesthesia which takes it maximum an hour to get over with. A scalpel blade is used to just scrap off the mole without any requirement of stitches.

·         Punch excision— Punch biopsies covers large and indistinct margins. It pulls out the entire mole with adequate microscopic margins. Probable 1-2 sutures are applied and you will be fine as soon.

·         Cauterization—                Heat applied to the moles through laser destroying the mole permanently without leaving any invasiveness and minimal scarring fades off in any time as it closes the wound.