Thursday 26 September 2013

Your desired Cosmetic Surgery: procedure, costs and risks

In the UK, the most common cosmetic surgeries include: Breast Augmentation; Liposuction; Tummy Tuck: Rhinoplasty. There is a huge list of available procedures but it’s these few procedures that happen to rule the roost.

Breast Augmentation is the most common cosmetic surgery procedure in the UK, with over 25,000 surgeries performed in the UK in 2013 alone; this is devised for women who have poorly formed breasts to support it with prosthesis breast implants made of silicone or saline that varies in different sizes and shapes to suit the best possible breast enhancement of respective patients. There are different types of incisions for this surgery and the placement of the breast implants. This is an invasive surgery strictly performed under board certified and highly qualified surgeons only. And there is no cheap  

Liposuction is a body contouring surgery devised for treating subcutaneous fat in almost all areas of the body. It is done under a plastic surgeon and is not but a weight loss surgery. Liposuction is devised of a number of procedures to aid for a better result everytime. Given that liposuciotn is not a predictable cosmetic surgical procedure it depends a lot on the pre-surgical evaluation and the correct choice of surgeon than the devise. Devises of liposuciotn include ultrasound assisted Vaser Liposuction; Laser assisted Smart Lipo.
Rhinoplasty is nose job. There are a number of things what nose job can do to make your nose shape and size better than before, and any nose job procedure is categorized under rhinoplasty. Which can be surgical or with non-surgical with a dermal filler injection. There are different procedures of rhynoplasty that includes—reduction rhynoplasty; augmentation rhynoplasty; septo rhynoplasty; alar base reduction and rhino tip procedures. Rhynoplasty cost in the UK starts from £3, 000 and goes up to £6,000.

Risks are usually associated with unrealistic expectations and the wrong choice of an economy driven surgeon. Choosing a board certified and well recognized plastic surgeon is the master of the game plan.  And it is not really as hard as it sounds to be. To start with, instead of looking for the best surgeon in your city, look for whether you have a good vaser liposuction surgeon in your city at all.  Difference between a plastic surgeon and cosmetic surgeon is that the branch of plastic surgery is divided into two branches or subcategories: cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Where the above mentioned possibilities fall in the cosmetic group reconstructive surgery includes scar revision surgeries; breast reconstruction after mastectomy
If for a cosmetic surgery I should be looking for a plastic surgeon, then what does a cosmetic surgeon do??

Please do not make your decision on the plastic surgeon based on who has the lowest price without looking at the whole picture and taking your time researching to find the right plastic surgeon for you. Always, ask to see many, many photographs, speak to patients and ask your own physician about any plastic surgeon you are considering.

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