Friday 29 January 2016

Debunking Hair Loss Myths And Truths About Them

There is a sea of the rumors associated with falling hairs, among which we are here to decode a few facts from them.
#Myth1- Frequent Shampooing Causes Hair Fall
Fact: After every wash while shampooing we notice strands of hair in the tub, leading many people to think that the it is as a result from shampooing that so much hair is falling. It wouldn’t hurt to remember that the hereditary baldness is not due to the hair falling out, but instead the normal hair gradually replaced by the finer and gradual hairs.
#Myth 2: Only Men Suffer From The Genetic Hair Loss
Fact: Balding is often thought as a “man’s problem”, but the fact is that over 40% of the women suffer from significant thinning in their lifetime f noti9ced, sometimes even more than men.
#Myth3: Hair Loss Stops When You Get Older
Fact: Once hair loss begins, the progress never really stops, though the rate at which the hair continue to fall differs. As a person reason the age of 60, the amount of baldness increases.  The younger you start to lose hair, the more likely you are to become bald in the coming days.
#Myth4: Wearing A Hat Makes You Go Bald
Fact: People who accuse of witnessing baldness as a cause of the hair loss are actually preventing the hair follicles to get oxygen from the blood stream rather than air.
#Myth5: Decreased Blood Flow To The Scalp Can Cause Hair Loss
Fact: The hair needs a significant amount of blood flow when it is growing. Not much blood is required after once you have lost your hair, as the blood flow to the scalp decreases.
#Myth6: Hair Loss Is Caused By Clogged Pores
Fact: Clogged pores actually cause acne and not baldness. But common baldness has been just due to the clogged pores, then rigorous shampooing would be required to maintain the full length hair, but as we can see that it is not the case.
#Myth7: Losing Hairs Everyday Suggest That You Are Balding
Fact: Loosing of about 100 hairs a day is normal. But if the count keeps on going higher than normal, it is advised to go for consultation.
#Myth8: Staying In An AC Room Can Lead To The Cause Of Hair Loss
Fact: The Air Condition causes dryness of your hair, leading it to more brittle in nature.
#Myth9: Straightening And Smoothening Can Increase Hair Loss
Fact:  Hair Care products cannot be the sole reason of your hair loss, though it may aggravate hair fall.
#Myth10: Massaging Of The Scalp Can Reduce The Extent Of Hair Loss

Fact: Hair growth is not boosted by the blood circulation, which is why too much brushing is not good as it may cause more breakage of hair, leading to the loss of hair.

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