Wednesday 6 January 2016

Hair Loss-Psychological Impact

Hair loss can affect you tremendously and can trigger low self esteem, induce more depression and anxiety with shattered confidence. Research shows that hair loss lead to social withdrawal, anxiety and depression among the top effects of this situation.
Medical science has welcomed significant amount of advancements in the domain of transplantation where the surgery may work  wonders in recovering lost hairline and hair growth.
The surgery usually takes a day and can be performed at an outpatient basis. Local anaesthesia is required and no hospital stay is necessary. Though there are many hair transplant procedures, but the follicular units are chosen from the donor site and planted with meticulous attention after a small incision for the right depth and angle for proper growth. The  candidate can go back to do the normal lifestyle from next day itself.
 The most common reactions to hair loss are as follows:
·        Self Denial
This is a common tendency mainly noticed among men, which makes them to deny to themselves that there is a significant amount of hair loss. The attitude of Self denial and secretive nature lead to poor treatment, making the situation worse than what could have been.
·        Panic Stricken Mind
Hair is a symbol of strength and in many conditions may question the masculinity factor in many men. The drastic change in their appearance may affect his confidence and career prospect somehow as some may end up feeling de-motivated lack of enthusiasm and old.
·        Fixation
If someone is losing more than normal amount of hair in several areas of their head, the focus must be in those spots. Usually the monk’s spot is the most common spot, witnessing the major loss of hair in men, fixing which on-time is necessary.
·        Social Isolation
This condition has one of the most dangerous impact. Many people feel socially isolated and deserted by their friends and acquaintances in many gatherings and functions. Some may feel ‘unmanly’ to share their worries and stay without proper treatment for a large span of time. You can also visit at for more information.
·        Complex And Jealousy
People going through hair loss are often seen to suffer from an inferiority complex in their minds, resulting into jealousy towards having dense scalp of hair.
·        Humiliation

People suffering from hair loss often end up feeling extremely taunted, teased by their friends and known people. Some may not react to it at all and some may take it to another level, making them desperate, which indulges them into taking impulsive decisions about their treatments without proper knowledge.   Not only it causes a deeper psychological impact, but also leads people to take wrong decisions in a rush.

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