Thursday, 16 May 2013

Vaser Liposuction making an efficient cosmetic surgery treatable for various areas

With a varied number of personalized procedures, almost all parts of the body can be treated under VASER, for the pockets of fat deposit in the body that is resistant to diet and exercise. Areas sometimes unreachable by traditional and other liposuction methods can easily be reached by the advanced UAL technology developed by VASER such as the back of the arm, love handles in men, inner and outer thighs and even the most delicate areas like neck and jaw-line.
VASER is one of the first choices for surgeons to treat Gynecomastia and male breast reduction surgeries. This technology is so far reaching because of its intelligent advances in the usage of the ultrasonic radiation and specially designed tools provide a minimally invasive and less traumatic surgery, with which the delicate nerves and blood vessels undergo significantly less trauma and faster recovery.
The treatable areas include:
Abdomen –        performed on the stomach, this is the most common lipo surgery, because fat deposits tend to accumulate mostly in the stomach region. This persists the traditional tumescent liposuction but the ultrasonic vibration does all the difference, which allows the surgeon more control and less movement of the trocar needle for breaking up the fat. Moreover, the UAL system not only breaks the fat but melts it into a buttery liquid. So the suction is really a smooth one. Once the fat is out of the body it is permanent, however there is an extensive post-surgical period which is half the procedure, you need to maintain your diet, sleeping and narcotic habits for a long stretch of time.
Thighs—              both inner and outer thighs are treated under local anesthesia and a very quick recovery. This is very tender and sensitive and the Vaser Liposuction technology does just what is required. It is gentle and efficient to delicate areas just like the inner thighs.
Back—                  Deposits of fat in the back can be in constant flabby areas or bulging pockets. These are subcutaneous fat and the back area is hard and fibrous. This is one the most difficult areas when it comes to lose the fat.  But the sound vibrations can reach where the trocar needle is hard to reach and once the fat is melted it is much easier for suction.
Other areas include the buttocks, hips as well as knees and even the calves can be treated well with this procedure moderately.

Male breast reduction— Gynecomastia is a common condition in men, sometimes it is overlooked and sometimes it causes psychological as well as physical troubles to the sufferer. Gynecomastia is a hormonal disorder in men to develop glandular breasts or breast tissues. In case of glandular gynecomastia, it is the genuine case of exceeding oestrogen level than that of testosterone level in men; oestrogen is the female sex hormone which causes to females to grow breasts. This symptom can be genetically inherited or due to fluctuating hormonal levels during puberty and old age. This can also be pseudo-gynecomastia which is developed from obese people and is just breast tissue and no glandular presence.

To surgically mole removal the breasts is the best option advised by surgeons and Vaser hi-def is a best procedure. In case of presence of glands, the glands are first removed with either laser or manual surgeries and the surrounding fatty tissue is removes with Vaser Liposuction. In case of pseudo-gynecomastia just Liposuction is enough.
Author is a medical journalist specializing in the field of cosmetic surgery of body contouring procedures. This is one of the first studies about Vaser liposuction and its treatable areas, for more details about what you are looking for you may consult one of the best cosmetic clinics in your city. 

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