Friday, 28 June 2013

Female Hair Loss and proposed treatments

Natural remedies like coconut, almond and even mustard seed oil prove as elixirs for damaged hair for both men and women. However profuse hair loss leading to the emergence of parts or lots of the scalp is called baldness which requires a more clinical hair loss treatment with medications and other procedures. Medications prove purposeful; but it slows down losing of hair rather than stop the process.
When women are at the end of all remedies they might consider a hair transplant surgery which with the modernized technology and advancements are far reaching to promise for a safe and permanent procedure and indistinguishably natural appearance.

Hair transplant surgery is devised to distribute your baldness resistance hair all around your scalp. And this is supposed to last a lifetime given you have chosen the right surgeon who is reputed enough in not only the neighborhood but the whole city, state or province and in the subjected internet forums.
Hair Transplant surgery for Women
First of all as long as women are experiencing baldness and hair thinning they should go for medications and remedies to prevent or slow down the process. As surgeons suggest as long there are no occurrence of baldness there is no requirement to go for hair transplant surgery.
Women’s hair transplant involves the same procedures that of men, but it is just that as usually women’s hair loss patterns don’t follow any certainty choosing the right donor hair is a big challenge for the surgeons no matter how efficient he/she might be. And this is regarded as a supply of supply and demand.
Weather the female baldness is at minor level or severe, a hair restoration surgery is considered based on a few basic principles.
The first thing is evaluating the nature of the baldness and the baldness pattern including how extensive and exposed to hair thinning the baldness is.  If there is a lot of thinning but it is concentrated in for example what is called the Christmas tree pattern, then things may be able to be done.  This is the demand part o f the equation:  how much actual baldness needs to be covered.
Next is having realistic expectations and understanding between patient and surgeon regarding expectation issues should be clear. The type of surgery, the target donor site and closest proposed hairline that can be acquired is all dependent on the patient surgeon evaluation and the exacted idea and ideal of the surgery is required to be agreed upon by both patient and surgeon. The fact is that hair density depends all upon how much donor hair can be extracted and also the fact that once the donor hair is extracted the donor site would not grow any more follicular units, for follicles are grow throughout lifetime but hair follicular units don’t. so the hair transplant surgery is actually to distribute as many baldness resistant hair as possible. Realistic expectation includes understanding this fact and the arriving result.
The above can be the demanding principles while the supply side of things refers to how much donor hair is usable.  High hair density can cover a lot of recipient area as apparently a more thinned down hair line won’t be able to meet up with. Then hair caliber comes in the scene that how thick and powerful each strand of donor hair is, than how curly it is, as it is regarded curly hair equals the appearance of hair density. If hair caliber is poor then nothing matters. But given strong hair caliber curly and thick hair prove better than more hair density of thin straight strands.
African American hair really covers a great degree of distance especially when it not straightened or relaxed.  The hair color to scalp color difference is important.  Dark hair on dark skin or light hair on light skin is more ideal than dark hair on light skin or light hair on dark skin.
For women’s hair transplant FUE is regarded as a provident procedure because of the diffusive and selective quality of the donor hair, this procedure would prove ideal. By means that the follicular unit hair transplant (FUE) involves direct extraction of individual hair follicles one at a time, the once determined donor hair can be selectively plucked from the donor area and planted in the recipient area.

All of these factors and more are important when considering the adequacy of a female candidate. And determining the right hair transplant surgery for women is only after formal physical as well as mental examination of the patient by an experienced hair transplant surgeon that truly helps define realistic and attainable goals. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Male breast reduction and fat removal from chest

Enlarged breasts and other symptoms like sensitivity, tenderness, presence of any lymphatic nodes in male chest are commonly temporary in case of true gynecomastia. The causes and complete diagnosis of the same is not yet understood but the most grounded explanation is that it is caused by stimulation of estrogen and progesterone against androgens in the male body.
Gynaecomastia may be due to various reasons and studies have shown that 25% cases are due to persistent pubertal gynecomastia, 10%-25% are drug-induced and 25% are idiopathic.
Male Breast Reduction Surgery is the most established treatment for this disorder if it is persistent more than 3years of time, and causes much dismay to the sufferer by means of self consciousness and any other physical or mental troubles.
We have assessed the case report from one of the eminent cosmetic surgeon in London who has an avid experience in this field. According to plastic surgeons, this surgery is ideal to be given some time as pubertal and adolescent gynecomastia is the most common age variation it is mostly a temporary case.
A male breast reduction surgery is considered after a long term laboratory investigations such as complete blood count, liver function tests, renal function. The chest X-ray revealed a round lump (5 cm x 4 cm) which was tender, soft and not fixed to underlying tissues. A patchy consolidation on right upper lung field. The patient was qualified for surgery which was a combination of direct open excision and Vaser Liposuction.
The open excision involves a surgical incision in the areola for open dissection of the glands under local anaesthesia which not only numbs the area but also shrinks the blood vessels avoiding transfusion. Male breast reduction surgery usually takes around 90 minutes. Vaser Liposuction may be used to suck out excess fatty tissue. If there is a lot of tissue to remove, cuts may extend down the chest from the areola and the nipples may need to be repositioned.
Vaser Hi Def Liposuction might an even better choice for fat removal from the chest, when there is no glandular presence and it is just accumulation of fat. It is safe enough to remove all excess fat off the chest and model the chest into a defined musculature. That is to use more superficial probes of the Vaser hi def cannula and carve the skin to desired muscle definitions. This doenst cause any blood loss and is safe and lasting given that you maintain proper diet and prescribed exercise.
You will be required to stay in hospital overnight, take a few days off work to rest and avoid lifting or strenuous physical exercise for one month after the operation. An elastic garment also needs to be worn for one to four weeks after the operation to encourage smooth results.
Male breast reduction is usually required to reduce the size of the breast area and give a flattened shape. Results are permanent but weight gain, hormonal imbalances and the use of certain drugs can cause the breast area to enlarge again and you can consider reoperations.
However these risks are minimal with Vaser Liposuction and proper follow up of post operative instructions by the surgeon is an important key to a successful surgery.

Surgery can leave red and lumpy scars. These may last for several months but should eventually fade to your natural skin colour. Other risks include uneven results and loss of sensation in the nipples.

A complete hair restoration surgery

To undergo a hair transplant surgery it is important that the patient has some amount of hair at the back of his scalp. For a hair restoration surgery the patient has to play donor to himself as one person’s hair follicles will not respond to another’s scalp and eventually die.
The surgery is the last step of the whole procedure for hair restoration which starts with the consultation session between the patient and the surgeon. Our surgeons at Harley Hair Clinic regard this consultation session as the most important, wherein the decisions are taken like your current scalp and hair condition; the causes of your hair loss and your expectations from the surgery.
Hair Transplant surgeries are conducted on an outpatient basis, under local anaesthesia, that takes about 6 -7 hours to complete, depending on the procedure. You will be treated by your surgeon and our efficient team of assistant surgeons and nurses. The surgery usually takes place in the morning.
The scalp is shampooed and then treated with an antibacterial agent prior to the donor scalp being harvested. Then the anaesthesia is injected into the scalp which will be minor painful. Additional sedatives might be mixed with the anaesthesia and you will feel drowsy the whole procedure. A hair transplant surgery can be boring; our reliable nursing staff will keep you in company and comfort.
If you have opted for a usual FUT procedure, then once the injected anaesthesia has numbed your scalp, the surgeon removes a thin strip of skin about 1.5cm thick and 15—30cm long, off the back of your scalp. The wound is closed and sutured while the strip of skin containing the hair follicle grafts of 2-4 hairs shall be in use at the grafting table where the grafts shall be extracted using unmistakable equipments and techniques. Once the grafts are extracted they are planted to the recipient balding area of your scalp.
Starting from the morning, the surgery shall be over within the evening and you can go home almost immediately. However, because of the anaesthesia and sedatives, you are advised not to drive home or take public vehicles. Arrange a friend or relative to drive you home.
Your recovery from Hair Transplant Surgery and final results
There might be some pain felt at the first night once the anaesthesia completely wears off, you can use pain killers if required. There will be some amount of bleeding. Issues like swelling of the forehead and resulting discomfort might arise. You can use follow the indications given the surgeon and give it some time of about a day or two to wear off. Pain, bleeding, swelling and discomfort all this will supposedly stop within a couple of days. And complete recovery from the wounds and suture scar shall take a month.
FUE is comparatively less invasive and almost painless than that of FUT procedures and strip harvesting procedures that cut or remove portions of the scalp. But the recovery time of FUT hair transplant surgeries is short.
Hair Transplant results vary person to person depending on the stage of baldness and amount of donor grafts that could be replaced. Since we can only use your existing permanent hair to your thin or bald areas. We are not creating new hair. Intelligent techniques and talented hands of surgeons can work up the transplantation in a way that will grow in a pattern and cover the balding area.
The transplanted follicles will last for the lifetime of the patient as these hairs are genetically resistant to balding, which means they will never fall out. Additionally, some patients may experience initial hair loss but even the fallen hair will grow back in 2-6 months. Once the hair begins to grow normally, it will continue to do so for the patient's lifetime.

For both FUT and FUE hair transplant surgeries, results shall start to emerge at the head of 4-5months and final results takes 12months to arrive.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Vaser Liposuction and the ultrasonic probes

The technology of Vaser Liposuction is a highly advanced mechanism that is a boom in the cultural affluence to look well shaped and trim. If you know what liposuction is, then you can suppose that this system looks almost the same as what suction assisted traditional liposuction looked like, the difference is in the medium used for this purpose is that SAL (suction assisted liposuction) is UAL (ultrasound assisted liposuction).
If you don’t know what a liposuction exactly is, then it is to submit to your inspection that this is a cosmetic surgery procedure to remove subcutaneous fat and firm and shape a number of areas of one’s body. The first prominent way of this procedure was that the target areas were marked with a pen and a mixture of local anaesthetics, adrenaline and tumescent agents were injected to the treatable area in large numbers which numbed, swelled and firmed the skin of the treatable area, while blood vessels would shrink down as a reaction to the drugs. This prepared the area to be less prone to invasiveness from the upcoming surgical procedure, which is to make 2-6 or more 1mm wide puncture incisions in the skin that is as big as a thin pencil’s diameter. Now through those incisions a long stainless steel hollow pipe or cannula with a blunt tip was inserted and the plastic surgeon would use his talents and hands to manually break up the fat layers detaching them from the skin as far they can reach. The cannula sort of churned the fat down as it would like churned frozen butter. When the fat was broken down to a near liquid thick smoothie consistency, the fat would be suctioned out of that area with the help of an aspirator via a hollow silicone tube attached with the cannula needle.
Vaser Liposuction uses the same tumescent culture to add to it some advancements notably with the powerful ultrasound assisted cannula which when inserted to the prepared treated area does the breaking up of fat smoother as compared to the traditional procedure. The ultrasound frequencies create a warm vibration inside the skin layers with the probes reaching deep layers without the surgeon having to worry about damaging any tissues since the probes are effective to break up fat cells but not as harsh to damage tissues. The surgeon does need to move the cannula into the skin still but he can adjust and control the tool according to the requirement and can doesn’t need to do the vigorous movements as in to manually break up the tissue, he just sort of brushes the cannula into the fatty layers for 20-30 minutes which results in not just breaking of the fat but emulsifying it to a liquid which is really smooth while suctioning.
This is followed bandaging the treated area and suturing some, if not all of the surgical incisions. This is to drain out any extra liquids off the area that would bleed out in first few days after the surgery. A compression garment and the dressing would absorb the fluids without making a mess and the tight support of the garments would act like a corset but keep.
Now, many guidelines about this surgery claim that it contours your “body” which is absolutely true given that you are using it on your body. But what the seeking patient thinks that is going to revamp their entire look with it, even that is possible, but the point is that this surgery is area specific, if you are going for abdominal liposuction and expecting to get an evenly toned contours down your thighs and buttocks then it won’t be up to your expectations.
Realistic expectations are the key role of the patient when undergoing any procedure and it is the surgeon’s responsibility to guide them. Vaser Liposuction will only contour your treated areas and if you require toning your entire abdominal and pelvic region including thighs, then go for a thigh lift along with abdominoplasty. This is specific to treatable areas.
Arm liposuction in London is very common as it, there are a number of patients who complain that from the back of their arms they have a bulging and lose skin hanging. An arm liposuction procedure includes the same procedure with or without excision of the skin. It’s a 90min long procedure and requires no such downtime.
Another breakthrough is Vaser Hi Def liposuction. which followed by the removal of the fat can actually use another specialised probe to make more superficial grooves in the skin, dimpling it smoothly to enhance the musculature of the six pack appearance.
Vaser hi def doesn’t give a natural six pack but rather a mold of it, with regular exercise and diet and workout you can fill up the interiors of this mold with natural six pack the hi def lipo procedure is to speed up the process. Post surgery it takes about 4-6 months to come to the final results wherein you can fill up your schedule with gymming and exercises and to your peers it will look that you have gained it naturally.

Swelling, bruising and pan and bloating sensations and unavoidable and normal post operative trauma’s of this surgery. Any pain or bloating sensation is most likely to go off within 2days without any painkillers, while the swelling given the support of the compression garments seeping of the excess fluids is expected to normalize within a week. Give this surgery a downtime of 2-4weeks depending on the number of treated areas and size of the fat removed.

A proper evaluation of male chest fat and gynecomastia

Chest fat can occur in both males and females whereas gynecomastia is typically a male disorder where they grow breasts like women if not as prominently so, there would be enlargement of the breasts with presence of either or both of mammary glands and breast tissue, and this can be pretty visible and often to awkwardly attentions mostly by the sufferer himself.

The causes of gynecomastia are still under study and a widely discussed topic among medical cultures as it is an unbelievably common disorder with a huge number of recorded cases worldwide with a total male breast reduction procedures conducted in 2009 in the UK alone was over 17thousand according to major medical board records.
The patented and most closely understood cause of this disorder is the activity of female hormones in the male body causes the female characteristics in males.

Male and female sex hormones are specific to each, however both the sexes secrete both the hormones but in much less amount as their specified hormones. Estrogen is the female sex hormone while androgens are male hormones. Since this is about males we will keep the topic of women for somewhere else. Now, sometimes males involuntarily secrete higher levels of estrogen which can even exceed the levels of his androgens and this results in them to develop breasts as it could be understood as key characteristics of the female sex hormone. This is the key explanation related to the cause of gynecomastia as patients are diagnosed with higher levels of estrogen in their body.

Further explanation denotes that as most patients are diagnosed with this presumed hormonal disorder in their puberty to adolescence, this can be supposed that as this time line of puberty to adolescence is high time of growth, especially for sexual characteristics, the hormonal levels fluctuate a lot during this period. Thus estrogen exceeds the levels of testosterone and other androgens causing gynecomastia in young boys. But this is hugely witnessed as temporary, and sometimes they can be permanent with persistent symptoms of pain, tenderness, excess enlargement and nipple discharge from the areas, this less in happening but are still prominently witnessed symptoms.

Male breast reduction surgery involves a combination of direct excision of the glandular breasts most likely in the areola, followed by liposuction of the chest. In case of gynecomastia direct excision is performed with the surgeon injecting local or general anaesthetics to the areaolar fold and the skin is dissected or cut open with manual surgical scalpels and scissors. The detected glands are carefully removed and the skin is sutured back. Additional fatty tissues are removed with Liposuction cannula. This is called direct or open dissection of the male breast and takes upto 90mins to complete. Not more than that.

But when it is chest fat removal surgery, then there is certainly no need for open dissection of the skin and just a 3-4 puncture incisions about 1-2mm wide. And the cannula does the rest. Once the removal of the fat, it will be permanent however there might be some swelling post surgery which will be treated with a compression garment to subside sooner than 2weeks of time.

Pubertal and Adolescent Male Breast Reduction

As I have stated earlier, pubertal and adolescent gynecomastia is a common symptom to occur when the hormone levels are invariably and involuntarily fluctuating at this age. This is a temporary symptom and is best given surgery is delayed until full development, around age 18 after that is the symptoms persist longer then consult a physician and do the needful diagnosis. The point is children are always thought twice to do this surgery upon. Also if your child is overweight, often the breasts will diminish with good exercise and running and playing causing and weight loss once in the normal range. However there have been a number of cases where surgeons have operated on adolescent boys who develop gynecomastia and are traumatized by the size of his breasts in severe cases with good results. Yes it is possible they might grow the breasts once again and another procedure may be required for best results. But yes, the surgery can be safe and effective for kids too, but to ensure your child’s safety consult with only the highest ranked and recognized surgeons and cosmetic clinics.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Characteristics of donor dominance and the recipient site

Hair loss being an ancient problem, hair transplant surgeries entered the world just can be said for the love the hair. Its emergence and emergency both have a huge impact to the modern civilization and every 3 out 5 men and women suffering with acute hair loss can be seen to consider a surgery.
From this point when you are one of the men and women suffering from a thinning hair density and happening to go for hair restoration treatments, of course you first activity would be to choose the right surgeon given that he should be compassionate, talented, experienced and good looking, well, clinically.
The recipient site is the bald site which needs extra hair, hair loss can happen to both men and women, but men are more affected with it than women. And in some ways, men’s hair loss causes differ than that of women and also the surgery more detailed way, the graft dissection. We will come to that in a while.
For the meantime, when you are going for a hair restoration surgery, your donor site is the place which still bears hair after all the hair loss scarcity. In men, hair loss occurs usually as a case of Androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness wherein they lose hair in either of two patterned ways, from either the temples or sides of the forehead or the center of the head. Both ways the end a small patch of hair remains in the back of the scalp and above the ears and this works as the donor site.
In women this is case trick as is a woman’s reputation, their hair loss symptoms do not follow any pattern and fall off just like that, dispersedly in this case the donor site is determined with densitometry and other diagnosis to abide by the right decision of the proper donor site.
Donor dominance - Baldness is often a hereditary, genetic and hormonal affect to the body. And in a hair restoration treatment, a donor dominance denotes the fact that the chosen donor hair that have not been lost as opposed to the recipient site, will when transplanted to the recipient site won’t fall of and will continue to live and function as it had in its home. In the way it will dominate the recipient and the androgenic reactions that has caused the hair loss in that area. Donor dominance
Donor Dominance, in hereditary baldness, hair maintains the characteristics of where it was taken from, regardless of where in the scalp it is placed. This is because the genetic predisposition for hair loss resides in the follicle, rather than in the scalp.
So how is it determined that the remaining hair in the scalp is actually donor dominant and not androgen affected and in the line to fall off in the future?
Single-donor dominance is observed in the majority of patients following double-unit cord blood transplantation (dCBT); however, the biological basis for this outcome is poorly understood it works in the following assessment:

To investigate the possible influence of specific cell lineages on dominance in dCBT, flow cytometry assessment for CD34(+), CD14(+), CD20(+), CD3(-)CD56(+), CD3(+)CD56(+) (natural killer), and T cell subsets (CD4(+), CD8(+), memory, naïve, and regulatory) was performed on individual units. Subsets were calculated as infused viable cells per kilogram of recipient actual weight. Sixty patients who underwent dCBT were included in the final analysis. Higher CD3 (+) cell dose was statistically concordant with the dominant unit in 72% of cases (P = .0006). Further T cell subset analyses showed that dominance was correlated more with the naive CD8 (+) cell subset (71% concordance; P = .009) than with the naive CD4 (+) cell subset (61% concordance; P = .19). These data indicate that a greater total CD3 (+) cell dose, particularly of naïve CD3 (+) CD8(+) T cells, may play an important role in determining single-donor dominance after dCBT.

Monday, 17 June 2013

The right moment for a Hair Transplant Surgery

Can I get a hair transplant surgery before being noticed with baldness?
People noticing your hair loss and receding hair line and then finding you with thick wavy locks can be pretty uncomfortable to think of, as it is to a number of patients. And this is an obvious question many surgeons get to hear.
Hair transplants grow in very gradually and take a full year to completely mature. The hair comes in so slowly that no one will notice the process. However, if the transplant is done too early (i.e. when you don’t yet need one) no one will notice the result either and the procedure will have been a waste of time and money. In addition, if a hair transplant is performed too early, it may accelerate hair loss.
Hair Transplantation is for them who are starting to get bald rather than who are losing hair. The right time to go for a hair transplant surgery is when the person is at an advanced stage of their baldness. Generally baldness patients are men and male pattern baldness who are anywhere aging between age 28-60 and more. Younger men than 28 years of age are usually at the initial stages of hair loss and hair miniaturization which can be treated with topical and oral medications to slow the process of balding. During the initial stages the pattern of baldness is undetectable and moreover, it is not sure that the transplanted hair will not fall off as it will fall off it’s meant to and no surgery can save it.
A hair transplant surgery comprise of two techniques- Follicular Unit Transplantation(FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
FUT procedure is preferred and performed on patients who have a good donor site and a larger bald scalp to cover. The surgeon makes a long incision the back of the scalp and from one end beside the scalp to another. This way a strip of skin is surgically removed from the donor site and then that skin strip is used in the dissecting table under a microscope where the surgeons carefully extract the number of hair follicles that would be present in the skin strip and grafting them in 2-5 hair groups. This bound hair grafts are stored in a cold storage while the surgeon sutures the donor site and prepares the recipient site making small punctures in the bald area with a needle or laser beams and once this is ready each individual follicular unit graft if planted in the bald area.
FUE procedure is appropriate when the baldness is mainly frontal giving a high forehead and if there is a special case of traction alopecia or some kind of accident and non pattern baldness, eyebrow hair transplant . The hair can be extracted from the body like hand, leg and chest hair that is more resistant to hair loss.  With the body hair transplant (BHFUE)
The FUE technique is an extremely laborious job for the surgeon because this involves individual extraction of one hair unit at a time or one hair at a time which spans upto 10hours and sometimes requires more than one or even two sittings to complete the procedure. Hence this is a more expensive procedure, however the scarring of FUE technique is much less as compared to FUT, but it is not true that is scarless.

Risks and side effects of Hair Transplantation- is minimal, and temporary, including:
·         Scarring in case of FUT, which fades off in a month or so
·         Swelling, discomfort and pain and itching, for which some topical applicants and pain killers are prescribed, this also goes off within a few weeks
·         Shock loss, which is hair fall for inevitably traumatized by the follicular relocation. New hair begins to grow after two to three months from the implanted follicles and cover up. Some special topical medications are available and a further transplantation can also be done in case of shock loss.

Planning a Liposuction surgery at a smart price

The cost of a liposuction depends on the quality. And considering the fact, that when it comes to Liposuction is an important factor when considering vaser hi def surgery. However the quality of liposuction is more important than the liposuction cost. If the ultimate goal of liposuction is to have a happy patient, then the surgeon's expertise and experience are probably more important than the liposuction surgery price. Liposuction prices are important, but it is not the most important factor to considering lipo surgery. Be careful not to put your body on the Discount Rack.

Lowest Liposuction Price Can Be Most Expensive
Choosing a liposuction surgeon based on the lowest price might ultimately be the most expensive choice, if the initial cosmetic results are so bad that another surgeon must be paid to repair the work of the first liposuction surgeon. Among the most common undesirable outcomes of liposuction are 1) incomplete liposuction with very little evidence that liposuction was actually done, 2) excessive liposuction producing an unnatural or disfigured appearance, 3) irregular and uneven results with unsightly depressions in the skin, and 4) large scars that reveal that the patient has had liposuction. Caveat emptor (Buyer beware).

How to Use Liposuction Cost Table

The total cost for lipo surgery is the sum of the non-surgical fee plus one or more surgical fees. The non-surgical fees include the cost of the operating room, nursing staff, pre-operative laboratory tests, post-operative garments and supplies. The surgical fees represent the prices for lipo surgery of each individual area..

Factors That Determine Liposuction Cost
Factors that determine cost of liposuction include 1) The size of the patient, 2) Amount of time and effort required of the surgeon, 3) Cost of anesthesiologist's services, 4) Operating room fees, 5) Preoperative laboratory fees, 6) Other related expenses, such as elastic compression garments, etc.

Expected Time and Effort
The expected time and effort that is required to accomplish a liposuction surgery is the most important factor in determining the cost of liposuction. Factors that typically affect the surgeon's time and effort include 1) Number of areas being treated, 2) Size of the patient 3) Anticipated degree of difficulty. Thus, cost of liposuction of the abdomen alone is less than the cost of doing liposuction on the abdomen as well as the inner thighs and knees. Similarly the cost for abdominal liposuction on a patient who weighs 80 kilograms (176 pounds) might be more than the cost for liposuction of the abdomen of patients who has never weighed more than 60 kilograms (132 pounds). Liposuction is more difficult and requires more time if the patient has previously gained and then lost a significant amount of weight. In any area previously treated with liposuction the fat often contains scar tissue which makes liposuction in the same area more difficult.

Other Variables Affecting Liposuction Price

Other variables affecting price of liposuction include the 1) experience of the surgeon and 2) geographic location of the surgeon. An expert liposuction surgeon who has done thousands of liposuction procedures, who consistently achieves outstanding results, and who is in great demand, will often charge more than a less experienced surgeon. Surgeons who are not busy may offer discounts, or entice prospective patients by offering free consultation. Surgeon's who have had unhappy patients and who do not have a good reputation might also lower liposuction prices in order to attract new patients. In geographic areas where rents and labor costs are high, one can expect higher prices for liposuction.

Global Costs
Some surgeons will quote a single global vaser cost that includes almost every possible surgery-related expense in one lump sum. Typically a global vaser price is the sum of the surgical fees, plus the non-surgical fee, plus the anesthesiologist's fee (if general anesthesia is used). A global liposuction cost is commonly used when the vaser hi def surgery is done in the surgeon's office or surgery center. When a prospective patient telephones a surgeon's office to inquire about the cost of liposuction, be certain to determine if the quote is for a global fee or merely the surgical fee. An office employee who answers the telephone might only give information about the surgeon's fee and not mention other important items such as the anesthesiologist's fee, and operating room fee.

Itemized Prices Including Surgical Fees
Some surgeons prefer to give prospective patients an itemized list of all the anticipated costs of
liposuction cost . These separate costs might include the surgical fee (money paid to the surgeon for his services), anesthesiologist's fee, operating room fee, pre-operative laboratory test fees, charges for post-operative elastic compression garments, and possibly prices for antibiotics and other recommended drugs. Sometimes itemized prices are used when the surgeon cannot control all of the related expenses, such as when the lipo surgery is to be done in a hospital operating room with a hospital anesthesiologist. Itemized lipo prices are also used by surgeons who are in the habit of doing multiple unrelated surgical procedures at the same time that the liposuction is done.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

All about cosmetic procedures

Cosmetic surgery is the most well known branch of Plastic surgery that many ones suppose as both are the same thing. There are a number of segments of cosmetic surgery is rather aesthetic surgery.  it is a myth that aesthetic surgeries are usually used by women, whereas men go for cosmetic surgery with all their masculine attitudes and habituations.
Vaser Liposuction— is not a body slimming procedure but a good option when you are looking for body contouring. And this is viral with all kinds of people going under the trocar needle and finding visible and feasible results.
Vaser Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery which is developed with ultrasonic vibrations to melt down the body fat into a buttery liquid before suction. This process makes it much less invasive to the body than others. It is efficient in its own terms as the less the body is affected with post surgical trauma the more it can take and
And then not just for models and celebrities it is a popular name in households as well with lots and lots of men and women trying to get with it. And widest treated being the liposuction on the abdomen, flanks and thighs is one of the most commonly sought cosmetic procedures when comes to common clients.
It’s another myth that women are the crazier about aesthetic perfection than men, then denoting the fact, that these cosmetic surgeries are considered in a greater sense of normalcy than perfection, the ratio for this body contouring option is opted by both in same to similar percentage.  In fact men make a tad more benefit when it comes to the emergence of gynecomastia or male breasts, and doctors all around the world suggest surgery as the best, permanent and safe option. Male breasts can be a great deal of hack to a common man’s life and while some can live with it still, some can’t because sometimes it leads to a more serious scenario when men develop mammary glands. Then can be tender, painful and sensitive to touch, in this case surgery is rather a requirement. Pseudo gynecomastia is just protruded breast tissue in the area which can be caused by obesity, ageing and a number of reasons that is not harming to the body just odd to look at.
And thus Vaser Liposuction is a commonly sought cosmetic surgery by both men and women that is not always the fancy of perfect aesthetics but a normal tendency to have a normal body.
Mole removal— Another very commonly sought cosmetic surgery procedure is mole removal. Moles are commonly just pigmented cells or benign lesions while otherwise it can be warty growths that might not be pigmented, but bumpy on the skin alright.
While sometimes a small dot above the lip can be very iconic, bigger moles can be hard to don and some moles can be malign that can be cancerous and better removed. At home mole removal, cosmetic cures or chemical peelings is depreciated by surgeons, because moles can be sometimes atypical or cancerous and it is very important to diagnose them before any mole removal procedure.
There are three procedures of mole removal depending on the size and sometimes severity and biopsy of the moles, and the usual risks or surgery include in this one too, that is, bruising, scarring and infection. So consult with only boarded clinics.
·         Shave excision— In case of benign small to medium size moles with a lesser thickness a shave excision is best performed. The surgery is done on an outpatient basis under local anaesthesia which takes it maximum an hour to get over with. A scalpel blade is used to just scrap off the mole without any requirement of stitches.

·         Punch excision— Punch biopsies covers large and indistinct margins. It pulls out the entire mole with adequate microscopic margins. Probable 1-2 sutures are applied and you will be fine as soon.

·         Heat applied to the moles through laser destroying the mole permanently without leaving any invasiveness and minimal scarring fades off in no time as it closes the wound.
This information is bases in London to the subjective of Vaser Liposuction in the UK and mole removal surgeries. As these two are the fast developing counters in the cosmetic groups section. To know more and to have the best benefits consult only qualified and experienced surgeons whom your city recognizes as one of the leading ones. 

A guide for first times to go for Liposuction surgery

This is for them who are considering liposuction surgery for the first time and want to know “what is best for them” - this phrase is most common for first time patients of this body firming and contouring cosmetic surgery and every first timer, or even a past patient, sense this confusion at some point of their consideration.
The most accurate answer to “the best liposuction surgery” is that there is no such thing. There are at least 5 different types and forms of this surgery but and they all have their own benefits and complications. But it can be said, that depending on your current condition a more individualistic surgery can be sorted out, but that is the greater responsibility of your chosen surgeon.
Choosing a good surgeon
A good surgeon does not need salespersons to talk to patients, and is found in one of the several online forums that are a very good source to ask, inquire and compare a good clinic and plastic surgeon of Liposuction. Talk to past patients and narrow down to a list. The surgeons on your list would supposedly be much expensive to avail, but you better accept the fact rather than choosing a less expensive surgeon, who is more likely to be under qualified.
On choosing your surgeon, find out whether they offer free consultation. There are a number of cosmetic clinics in London who offer free consultation for solely the benefit of their patients, this is a good thing to go for and get acquainted with the clinical environment before taking any decision.

At the Consultation
You are supposed to present your proper medical history, generally 2-3 consultations are given the time before the final decision wherein your medical history, current aesthetics, your expectations, your emotional and mental health, browsing through past patient’s before after photos and giving you the idea how your post surgery results would look like. And all this leads to your final decision as to which liposuction procedure, how many areas and how much fat are to be treated with. Here, you must be aware of a few facts.
Dropping dress sizes is not a criteria of Liposuction, you are likely to lose a few inches and pounds but do not count on it, since this is to only improve the contours of your body into a evened and smooth line.
You cannot lose more than 5liters of fat because exceeding that limit will only prone you to health hazards like bruises and permanent bumps, scars, damaged tissue and deterred results as your body will involuntarily react to the surgery in a traumatized way.
Liposuction is meant for subcutaneous fat that is not reachable with other weight loss practices. You can go for it after you have lost all the excess weight and have narrowed down to a more sagging skin appearance that is not shedding otherwise. Women also opt for this surgery after child birth. But surgeons suggest to rather go for this surgery when you are done with pregnancy and child birth rather than going for it in between two pregnancies. It is not as such a health hazard, but expensive, yes.
The procedure
There are a number of forms of Liposuction, which is mainly the variance of the medium of application but the basic procedure is consisted of an intravenous injection of a wet saline solution made of local anaesthetics, adrenaline and tumescent agents that will prepare your treatable area while you can stay awake and listen to music or even go to sleep if you want. Once the treated areas are prepared then the surgeon will make some holes in there and insert a stainless cannula to the fat layers of your skin. This is not supposed to touch or harm your surrounding tissues and nerves and veins. Now depending on the form you have chosen the cannula will be powered.
If can be traditional lipo, then the cannula is manually used by the surgeon to carefully sort of churn up the fat layers. This is sometimes prone to invasiveness that the surgeon may or may not prevent with his talented hands.
Next is Vaser Liposuction that is the patented brand name for ultrasonic assisted lipo and is a highly preferred medium all over the world. This is an FDA approved technique that has proved to be much less invasive and much more accurate to its results.
Laser Liposuction is powered by Smart Lipo that is also an FDA approved brand name which uses light variations to cauterize the fat and is known to be efficient to firm up the treated area very efficiently.
Some surgeons use a combination of Vaser and Smart liposuction supposing the fact that while Vaser Liposuction is good for melting down the fat, smart lipo is to better firm up the area post surgery. In this case it is really important to choose a good surgeon and bare the expense.
Once your fat is broken or melted down using the chosen cannula, the fat is suctioned out. After this you are covered in gauze and some of your holes will be sutured while some might stay open to let out the excess liquid of your body.
You would need to wear a support garment that is similar to a corset, that compress out the excess fat out and helps your body to get used to the new contours, but is more comfortable and you can wear it underneath your work wear too.
Post surgery if you feel your treated areas as painful, hard and swelled then its  a normal condition which will fade off in a couple of days. If you have undergone for a large suction of 5liters then take 2weeks off from work and rest and give your bruises the time to heal.

This should be added with a massage session a week, for at least 4months after surgery for best results. And retain with the prescribed exercise and no cheating on junk food then you are most likely to have a successful liposuction surgery for the first time.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Vaser Liposuction for flabby problem areas of the body

There are several kinds of fatness, where visceral adipose and subcutaneous adipose are the most common. Visceral fat cells develop in the abdominal region and around organs while the subcutaneous fat deposits in the layers of skin. The later is rather involuntary and causes a great deal of hardship to shed, and is in end almost unreachable with diet and exercise.
This is for them who have involuntary fatness and just want to go for some treatment to lose it, they have heard about Vaser Liposuction surgery and thinking of considering it. This surgery is meant for healthy people who have some areas in their body, like the abdomen, back, hips and thighs that have become bulgy and sagging. These are sometimes subcutaneous “stubborn” fat which grow in the layers of skin and are not afraid of power yoga, or vegetable soup. Consult your with your doctor and determine whether the fat inside your body is stubborn at all.
In the first place, you need to consider the fact that Vaser Liposuction is not a 100% predictable surgery; it is a minimally invasive surgery which requires avid care to retain the best results. It is after all some invasion to your body hence there will be some pain, discomfort, swelling and bruising which is supposed to fade away within a few weeks.
This is for them who have taken your decision to go for this surgery, but haven’t yet chosen the clinic. Many people suffer from involuntary body fat and believe that Liposuction will be a good choice, although there aren’t many people who don’t think twice before doing this and do their part of research, but what comes in the way is something like an exciting offer.
Don’t get excited with limited period offers and stuff, there is no such thing, get over it. What you should do in this place is find the best cosmetic clinic and surgeon in your city, not every city has the same quality cosmetic clinics which you should be availing to go for this kind of surgery. In that case, what you should do is go for online forums and compare your chosen clinic in the open forum and try to talk to past patients of the same clinic.
Choosing the right clinic is only justified when you have had your surgery and enjoying the results. And knowing that the results of this particular surgery are not completely predictable, opt for the surgeon with avid experience and command over the procedure. These kind of leading cosmetic clinics and surgeons invariably come with expensive costs, but sometimes, these clinics provide offers which are their profitable step to reach a higher clientele, this is a safe option to avail, but always go for the best clinics. What make a clinic the best is its clients and its overall reputation and accept the fact that the more the reputation is an expensive thing. Many good cosmetic clinics provide free consultation which is a smart thing to avail.
This is for them who are preparing to go to the consultancy make it a point to mention every little detail about any drugs you use, including health supplements and herbal remedies. Because you would need to seize usage of aspirins or any blood thinning drugs at least 2weeks prior and post surgery.
This is for them who have already chosen their clinics and vaser liposuction surgeon and is scheduled for the surgery. Your surgeon must have explained you that you can’t smoke or have alcohol for at least 3-5 weeks before and after surgery, this will affect your recovery and prone your nerves and blood vessels to damage from the procedure, so take it seriously your body won’t understand the fun of cheating and will mark you fail. Be prepared to wear some support garments for several days after your surgery to tighten your treated area and leak out extra fat. You cannot drive home or take a cab after the surgery so arrange someone to take you home.
Now this is them who have undergone the surgery and going through all the excitement. Avoid sitting on hard surfaces or on the ground for several days. Take it easy and move steadily and no, you can’t go to work within two days, take 2weeks off if you have a desk job, take a month off if you have a movement oriented job.
Lymphatic massages help a lot to firm your treated areas so do go for them religiously. Resume exercise as instructed by your chosen surgeon. This done, you can expect your final results to emerge at the head of 4months.
This is a clear assessment of the whole procedure of one patient from one of the highly acclaimed cosmetic clinics in London practicing Vaser Liposuction. This article is user friendly and for future patients considering the same surgery. This may or may not be useful as a document for professional use.

Cosmetic Surgery: the emergence of safe and successful procedures

The field of cosmetic surgery is a diverse and useful one for the benefits of aesthetic improvements. It is a matter of choice of the surgeon which serves best for the righteous results. The cosmetic surgery procedures and their proper candidacies include:
Breast Augmentation- that is medically known as Augmentation Mammoplasty is the typical source of hope for those women who had to remove their breast due to breast cancer that is a very common and tragic disease upon us, this is also a good decision for women who have naturally small breasts and have very uneven and deformed breasts. Now cosmetic surgery and surgeons do strenuous development of their procedures only to aid people, sometimes people seek and surgeons provide a fanciful availability of the same procedures that sometimes makes it a more economic hunch wherein one can benefit or lost their money with unwanted results. Choosing the right surgeon, by knowing him by his past patients and the recognition works better than experience. Because it’s the rank of the experience that matters by means that practice makes perfect. All in all, breast augmentatnion is a commonly sought cosmetic surgery which is opted by a number of elite class individuals as well as seriously conscious women of limited means. Either ways, when having this surgery, you have to keep in mind that you are opting for a life changing surgery, and you must have full knowledge and confidence about your choices.

Liposuction- Is a 30year old cosmetic surgery developed for people with stubborn subcutaneous fat giving out sagging and an unwanted appearance to help them get a more toned and well contoured body. This procedure has evolved dramatically since the past 3 decades from an inconvenient invasive surgery mainly sought by clueless patients desperate for a better body and getting mixed results with permanent scars, extensive bruises and lot of blood loss to the third generation liposuction in the present time which gives out more evidently improved well contoured finish with minimum invasiveness and blood loss and quicker recovery. Third generation liposuction is typically Vaser Liposuction which further develops equipments for body sculpting with hi def lipo and mid def lipo. This is safe and highly effective, however it is just a machine and equipments which makes the surgeon’s job a lot easier, but he must know what he is doing. So the point sticks to the basics to always opt for the best cosmetic surgeons for safety.
Hi-Def Lipo-sculpture- VASER Hi Def liposuction is highly advanced variant of Standard VASER Liposuction that allows a formidable sculpting of the abdominal and various other regions of one’s body with a defined enhancement of the musculatures. This surgery is very popular for body builders and male models. VASER Hi Def is one high-end cosmetic surgery for healthy and fit people who wish to achieve a more detailed muscular definition. But due exercise and dieting is required to sustain the best results.
Mid-def Lipo-sculpture- is another variant of liposculpturing that is a medium procedure a little more than Standard Liposuction and a little less than Hi-def liposuction. Mid-def Liposculpture allows a unique procedure for toned and shapely contouring of the abdominal and waist region with defined soft curves, that is not as vivid as Hi-def Liposculpture. As well as accentuates the lower back and makes the upper buttocks look fuller and rounder. Mid-def Lipo is more popular with women.

Mole Removal- a small spot above the lips might be iconic fashionably considered beautiful, but sometimes this mole gets larger and even cancerous which requires excision for better. A mole removal procedure involves a one hour sitting under local anaesthesia to permanently remove it. it is safe and quick and needs no prior candidacy as such.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Ultrasonic Liposuction surgical care and downtime

All liposuction surgery consists of three key factors that are following of pre surgical instructions usage of the type of technique, type of technology, and the post operative massages and prescribed exercising and dieting.
Technique – the technique refers to the usage of anaesthetics by means to prepare the treatable area. Surgeons widely use the tumescent wet technique to perform any liposuction as the most effective and sage anaesthetic. It uses local anaesthetics mixed with adrenalin and tumescent agents that numb and firmly expand up the treatable and shrink the surrounding blood vessels controlling the force of blood flow hence controlling the amount of blood loss. This prevention of invasiveness can cause a faster recovery.

Technology of Ultrasound Vaser Liposuction
The Vaser Liposuction is the typical brand name for ultrasonic technology. The ultrasonic technology which uses sound frequencies as a medium to melt down the body fat in the targeted area before suction makes the suction more smooth resulting in less exertion by the surgeon hence it can lead to minimal invasiveness and progressive downtime.
Vaser Liposuction is not so new anymore, however it still the most advanced form of liposuction considered by a number of plastic surgeons who perform it. However, there are some basic principles as on whom this surgery can be performed.
This surgery is not for people whose body weight have exceeded more than 20pounds in the BMI. This surgery is developed for body contouring not weight losing or dropping dress sizes, and however people do lose a little weight and some inches, but it is regarded as an added advantage rather than an asset because sometimes as a side effect patients have notified about their body weight being increasing. However they have not developed their treated areas to sag, patients often complain body weight to return after several weeks, months and even years of surgery.
While patient mistake this condition as the fat coming back to their body surgeons explain that the fat once removed from the treated area do not come back, however sometimes the essential fat cells of the body react to the surgery by means to expand and giving out the mirage that the fat is coming.
At the consultation before surgery the patient is required to keep a clear communication with the surgeon about his or her lifestyle habits, drug usage including herbal remedies and other drugs which one can get even without prescriptions like aspirins.  Quitting smoking and restrain from drinking habits sincerely also affects your final results and recovery. Because these drugs, smokes and liquors first stimulate and then relax your tendons and collagens which are more prone to damage when an invasion like the ultrasonic probes of a Vaser Liposuction it might delay your recovery and deter your final results.
During the surgery it is important that your chosen is a qualified and genuinely compassionate surgeon who have understanding of your aesthetic conditions and capacities and who knows what is best for you.
Post surgery, it is strongly recommended that you take the special massage sessions prescribed for Liposuction patients that is for once a week for 3-4 months post surgery might be very beneficial to evade your body fat from expanding and you gaining extra weight and having the desired final result

These factors do affect the downtime and only here both pre and post surgical engages the final results.
This information is part of a freshly started research about Vaser Liposuction, vaser hi def and the ultrasonic technology powered by it, this piece of research is conducted with formal discussion with an eminent plastic surgeon in London. This surgery has the same approach in all parts of the world, so research can be useful worldwide.

The proper procedure of Vaser Liposuction

The people who have liposuction surgery are probably quite aware of the whole procedure and how it works and how it doesn’t. This is more for the usual patients who undergo this surgery despite being scared of the cannula and relying on the anaesthesia as the only savior. If you look at the online forums you would a number of such cases who did not have a good experience with their lipo surgery. It is much discouraging for the patients as well as for the developers who took years of practice to perfect this procedure for the benefits of body contouring.
Choosing the right surgeon is of course the most important thing to do here, but remember the fact that you are choosing him to use him in the best way possible. Use him to consult with you and communicate with you what are the benefits and risks in your case. Since you already know what are the basics. A good surgeon will tell you step by step about your fat amount, problem areas and even the technique that is best for you. Yes, it is most likely that a good surgeon is supposed to know the best, but you shouldn’t be guessing it right.
The consultation usually takes a day or another to assess your medical history, to discuss your case that includes your lifestyle, eating, sleeping and narcotic habits. Your family past medical history, your body weight scaling in the BMI and your expectations from the surgery.

Usually it is advised by qualified surgeons not to exceed 5liters of fat removal that is a large amount to lose is prone to invasiveness and post surgical trauma and even health hazards since the body won’t be prepared for a massive change that it would be. Go for smaller amounts and 2-3 areas at a time than grab the whole in one procedure. If you want to lose more, then do it again the following year. Yes, this can be expensive, but this is still a better deal because this maximizes the satisfaction and safety.
There are a number of Liposuction techniques to choose from, which is better consulted personally with your surgeon. Now, none of the procedures of Liposuction is 100%predictable and the final results will differ than what you had expected. In this place before after images and videos make a good use to determine what kind of a body type you have and what kind of a
If you are undergoing liposuction, learn about the techniques that were used and are used now. Dry Liposuctions is not used at all anymore. This will make sure that you receive the standard of care you deserve and that you have results that you want.
The liposuction technique uses the wet liposuction. Before the dry technique was in use which is general anaesthesia wherein the patient would be fully asleep for 3hours and won’t know a thing during the surgery. But it would after waking up that the patient would be introduced to a lot of pain, weakness and trauma due to excessive blood loss that the dry technique couldn’t prevent. It is called dry because there would be usage of gas inhalation to put the patient to sleep.
The wet technique involves intravenous injection of a saline solution made of anaesthetics and adrenaline it could be general or local both. This helps to reduce bleeding, bruising and swelling, and also makes it easier for the fat cells to be removed.
And then there is super wet technique in case you have opted for the maximum limit of suction of 4-5liters. An incision is made in your skin to allow a vacuum pump or syringe to be inserted. This is moved within the fatty tissue to suck out the fat and fluid. Finally, the cut is then closed with stitches.
All kinds of liposuction in use nowadays undergo the wet technique. If that is the only anesthesia used, it may be called "tumescent" technique, but that is an anesthesia method, not a different lipo method. It has its own risks and potential benefits.
Many patients opt for intravenous sedation for more comfort, and another option is general anesthesia. Where it starts to get more complicated is with lasers; these are all the brand name procedures. However, lasers carry the risk of burns and the advantages are not as well proven as the ads would lead you to believe.

Finally there is ultrasonic lipo, which is usually VASER liposuction . Just keep in mind that liposuction is surgery and should be done in an accredited surgical facility regardless of the technique. Vaser liposuction, also called LipoSelection, is another alternate technology to traditional liposuction. Vaser ultrasonic liposuction is still a process by which fatty deposits are removed from beneath the skin to improve the aesthetics of a particular body part. Optimally, patients who are treated by Vaser liposuction are in good physical condition and are looking for a contouring or body sculpturing as opposed to using liposuction as a way to lose weight.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Vaser Liposuction and the fat person in London

This is a common story in London. People tend grow fat and Liposuction is a common phrase used. Vaser Liposuction is a term which says that it removes body fat effectively. But it does not help a person to lose weight.
Weight loss and Liposuction and Vaser Liposuction are different things. With weight loss programs, a fat person regains his/her normal to average body weight by dieting, exercising and laughing a lot. And liposuction comes into the scene, when the fat person cannot see any results in his appearance after months of strict regimes of exercise and healthy diet of weight loss programs and straining his cranial nerves with lots of laughter. The fat person still has the unsightly loose and bulgy tummy, thunder thighs, has layers of flab or a thick pad of skin developed under their flanks and love handles, and a double chin. In this case, Liposuction comes into the scene.

Liposuction is widely known as a cosmetic surgery procedure which drains away excess body fat using a cannula and aspirator. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Liposuction has been around for 30years of research and has evolved a lot since. Earlier, during the 80s Liposuction used to be of mixed results with complications like patients may get minimal results with saggy skin, scars and bruises that would take months to fade.
Then UAL Liposuction or liposelection, was introduced which used sound waves to melt the fat before draining it, and though more predictable results, patients sometimes had burns from the sound waves. Vaser Liposuction techniques and tools were introduced in 1998 by researcher Dr. William Cimino that is advanced and safer than traditional Liposuction; it still uses a cannula and an aspirator, but delivering more predictable results than ever.
It was introduced in London around 2005, and since then hundreds of people in London alone have tried this cosmetic surgery with fair and satisfactory results. Vaser Liposuction uses ultrasound vibrations to shake and melt off the unwanted fat cells of the chosen area without damaging the skin or the neighboring muscles, tissues and nerves. It is minimal to zero painful depending on the patient’s sensibility. And the results are satisfactory due complete post-surgical care and maintenance of all the instructions given by the surgeon.
Before going for a Vaser liposuction, lose the extra pounds by exercising and get around your normal body weight, this can focus on the subcutaneous fat layers and to get them off your system permanently.

With a regular diet, prescribed exercise and massage sessions that tightens any loose skin so the patient is most likely to see have the fairly satisfactory body shape. With all the care and maintenance final results start to get noticeable by the end of 4months and reach its ultimate effects by 6months.
This is a user friendly document for the future patients of Vaser Liposuction. This study is based in London and is assessed from a online group discussion with a number of past patients of the same. This is a London based study but the surgery is same as in all over the world, hence it can apply to seeking patients worldwide. 

Does body fat come back after Liposuction- a proper evaluation?

The Basic Procedure of liposuction involves the injecting of anaesthetics to the treatable area. One or multiple areas of a person’s body can be treated but the total amount of fat loss if above 5liters; can be vulnerable to risks of bruising, trauma, blood loss and deviated results. 5 liters of liquefied fat is equal to 5-6 pounds of body weight. You can lose the weight but you can even gain it with that is essential for your body expanding then you might gain weight. So to avoid these misunderstandings it is better to stay cognizant and in the first place don’t go with the surgeon who says you all the above as a passivity.
So, as I say, I'm all for anybody doing what they want to with their bodies. But here's what amazes me: Many people think that once fat is removed in a given area, problem solved; you're now a thin person. Eat whatever you want because the fat cells are gone. There is nowhere for that chocolate cake to go. Bon appétit!
Well, funny story. I've had liposuction on my hips and thighs twice, and I've gained back all the weight and more. The first time I had it — badly and unevenly, with minor nerve damage that lasted for years — the weight reappeared on my stomach, a place I'd never gained weight before. The second go-around, I had wonderful surgery combined with a tummy tuck (to get rid of stretched skin, the result of having twins) ... and I pudged up again nine months later. This time, the fat seemed more evenly distributed, though I'm pretty sure it found a happy home on my ass. Out of sight, out of mind!

Last April, a study published in Obesity magazine confirmed what was painfully obvious to many of us who've been lipo'ed: Terminator-like, the fat comes back.
In a study led by two researchers at the University of Colorado, 32 non-obese women, mostly in their 30s, with extra weight on their hips, thighs, and stomach, were divided into two groups: One group had lipo on the problem areas (about 6 pounds of fat was removed), one didn't. They were instructed not to change their lifestyles over the next 12 months. And guess what? One year later, the lipo'ed women were pretty much the same weight they were before the procedure — because, the researchers noted, the body "defends" its fat supply. Unless we gain significant weight as adults, we all have more or less the same number of fat cells we had as adolescents (though if we do gain more than 50 pounds, we're screwed — the number of fat cells in our body can, and will, increase). While lipo removes many fat cells, two things happen: 1) The remaining fat cells can expand; and 2) Fat can be stored in new places. Like my ass. And yours.
When the news came out, newspapers and blogs predicted that what was now one of the most popular cosmetic procedures would go the way of bloodletting and lobotomies. Why bother going through the expense, discomfort, and risk if you're likely to just gain the weight back?
Well, here's why: The very fact that the weight doesn't come back in the same places generally means you'll look better, and more balanced, even if you do gain something. Liposuction isn't about weight loss — you're usually just taking off a couple of pounds — but about contouring," would all genuine and good plastic surgeons would say, so if you're bothered by having hips that are out of balance with the rest of your body, liposuction will in all likelihood work for you even if the pounds return. Your body will be more symmetrical.

This was certainly my experience. Gaining some fat in the abdomen was no joy, nor was gaining it in the bottom. But I never again had saddlebags; I was never out of proportion in the way I'd originally been. And when, finally, I determined I would lose weight by the tedious process of diet and exercise (ultimately more expensive than lipo, since I seem incapable of physical exertion without some buff dude standing over me, barking orders), I seemed to lose the weight evenly, all over. I'll always have to be vigilant if I want to stay a size 8 to 10, as my body, appetite, and drinking habits are forever conspiring to make me a size 16.