Tuesday 25 June 2013

Male breast reduction and fat removal from chest

Enlarged breasts and other symptoms like sensitivity, tenderness, presence of any lymphatic nodes in male chest are commonly temporary in case of true gynecomastia. The causes and complete diagnosis of the same is not yet understood but the most grounded explanation is that it is caused by stimulation of estrogen and progesterone against androgens in the male body.
Gynaecomastia may be due to various reasons and studies have shown that 25% cases are due to persistent pubertal gynecomastia, 10%-25% are drug-induced and 25% are idiopathic.
Male Breast Reduction Surgery is the most established treatment for this disorder if it is persistent more than 3years of time, and causes much dismay to the sufferer by means of self consciousness and any other physical or mental troubles.
We have assessed the case report from one of the eminent cosmetic surgeon in London who has an avid experience in this field. According to plastic surgeons, this surgery is ideal to be given some time as pubertal and adolescent gynecomastia is the most common age variation it is mostly a temporary case.
A male breast reduction surgery is considered after a long term laboratory investigations such as complete blood count, liver function tests, renal function. The chest X-ray revealed a round lump (5 cm x 4 cm) which was tender, soft and not fixed to underlying tissues. A patchy consolidation on right upper lung field. The patient was qualified for surgery which was a combination of direct open excision and Vaser Liposuction.
The open excision involves a surgical incision in the areola for open dissection of the glands under local anaesthesia which not only numbs the area but also shrinks the blood vessels avoiding transfusion. Male breast reduction surgery usually takes around 90 minutes. Vaser Liposuction may be used to suck out excess fatty tissue. If there is a lot of tissue to remove, cuts may extend down the chest from the areola and the nipples may need to be repositioned.
Vaser Hi Def Liposuction might an even better choice for fat removal from the chest, when there is no glandular presence and it is just accumulation of fat. It is safe enough to remove all excess fat off the chest and model the chest into a defined musculature. That is to use more superficial probes of the Vaser hi def cannula and carve the skin to desired muscle definitions. This doenst cause any blood loss and is safe and lasting given that you maintain proper diet and prescribed exercise.
You will be required to stay in hospital overnight, take a few days off work to rest and avoid lifting or strenuous physical exercise for one month after the operation. An elastic garment also needs to be worn for one to four weeks after the operation to encourage smooth results.
Male breast reduction is usually required to reduce the size of the breast area and give a flattened shape. Results are permanent but weight gain, hormonal imbalances and the use of certain drugs can cause the breast area to enlarge again and you can consider reoperations.
However these risks are minimal with Vaser Liposuction and proper follow up of post operative instructions by the surgeon is an important key to a successful surgery.

Surgery can leave red and lumpy scars. These may last for several months but should eventually fade to your natural skin colour. Other risks include uneven results and loss of sensation in the nipples.

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