Friday, 28 June 2013

Female Hair Loss and proposed treatments

Natural remedies like coconut, almond and even mustard seed oil prove as elixirs for damaged hair for both men and women. However profuse hair loss leading to the emergence of parts or lots of the scalp is called baldness which requires a more clinical hair loss treatment with medications and other procedures. Medications prove purposeful; but it slows down losing of hair rather than stop the process.
When women are at the end of all remedies they might consider a hair transplant surgery which with the modernized technology and advancements are far reaching to promise for a safe and permanent procedure and indistinguishably natural appearance.

Hair transplant surgery is devised to distribute your baldness resistance hair all around your scalp. And this is supposed to last a lifetime given you have chosen the right surgeon who is reputed enough in not only the neighborhood but the whole city, state or province and in the subjected internet forums.
Hair Transplant surgery for Women
First of all as long as women are experiencing baldness and hair thinning they should go for medications and remedies to prevent or slow down the process. As surgeons suggest as long there are no occurrence of baldness there is no requirement to go for hair transplant surgery.
Women’s hair transplant involves the same procedures that of men, but it is just that as usually women’s hair loss patterns don’t follow any certainty choosing the right donor hair is a big challenge for the surgeons no matter how efficient he/she might be. And this is regarded as a supply of supply and demand.
Weather the female baldness is at minor level or severe, a hair restoration surgery is considered based on a few basic principles.
The first thing is evaluating the nature of the baldness and the baldness pattern including how extensive and exposed to hair thinning the baldness is.  If there is a lot of thinning but it is concentrated in for example what is called the Christmas tree pattern, then things may be able to be done.  This is the demand part o f the equation:  how much actual baldness needs to be covered.
Next is having realistic expectations and understanding between patient and surgeon regarding expectation issues should be clear. The type of surgery, the target donor site and closest proposed hairline that can be acquired is all dependent on the patient surgeon evaluation and the exacted idea and ideal of the surgery is required to be agreed upon by both patient and surgeon. The fact is that hair density depends all upon how much donor hair can be extracted and also the fact that once the donor hair is extracted the donor site would not grow any more follicular units, for follicles are grow throughout lifetime but hair follicular units don’t. so the hair transplant surgery is actually to distribute as many baldness resistant hair as possible. Realistic expectation includes understanding this fact and the arriving result.
The above can be the demanding principles while the supply side of things refers to how much donor hair is usable.  High hair density can cover a lot of recipient area as apparently a more thinned down hair line won’t be able to meet up with. Then hair caliber comes in the scene that how thick and powerful each strand of donor hair is, than how curly it is, as it is regarded curly hair equals the appearance of hair density. If hair caliber is poor then nothing matters. But given strong hair caliber curly and thick hair prove better than more hair density of thin straight strands.
African American hair really covers a great degree of distance especially when it not straightened or relaxed.  The hair color to scalp color difference is important.  Dark hair on dark skin or light hair on light skin is more ideal than dark hair on light skin or light hair on dark skin.
For women’s hair transplant FUE is regarded as a provident procedure because of the diffusive and selective quality of the donor hair, this procedure would prove ideal. By means that the follicular unit hair transplant (FUE) involves direct extraction of individual hair follicles one at a time, the once determined donor hair can be selectively plucked from the donor area and planted in the recipient area.

All of these factors and more are important when considering the adequacy of a female candidate. And determining the right hair transplant surgery for women is only after formal physical as well as mental examination of the patient by an experienced hair transplant surgeon that truly helps define realistic and attainable goals. 

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