Friday 21 June 2013

Vaser Liposuction and the ultrasonic probes

The technology of Vaser Liposuction is a highly advanced mechanism that is a boom in the cultural affluence to look well shaped and trim. If you know what liposuction is, then you can suppose that this system looks almost the same as what suction assisted traditional liposuction looked like, the difference is in the medium used for this purpose is that SAL (suction assisted liposuction) is UAL (ultrasound assisted liposuction).
If you don’t know what a liposuction exactly is, then it is to submit to your inspection that this is a cosmetic surgery procedure to remove subcutaneous fat and firm and shape a number of areas of one’s body. The first prominent way of this procedure was that the target areas were marked with a pen and a mixture of local anaesthetics, adrenaline and tumescent agents were injected to the treatable area in large numbers which numbed, swelled and firmed the skin of the treatable area, while blood vessels would shrink down as a reaction to the drugs. This prepared the area to be less prone to invasiveness from the upcoming surgical procedure, which is to make 2-6 or more 1mm wide puncture incisions in the skin that is as big as a thin pencil’s diameter. Now through those incisions a long stainless steel hollow pipe or cannula with a blunt tip was inserted and the plastic surgeon would use his talents and hands to manually break up the fat layers detaching them from the skin as far they can reach. The cannula sort of churned the fat down as it would like churned frozen butter. When the fat was broken down to a near liquid thick smoothie consistency, the fat would be suctioned out of that area with the help of an aspirator via a hollow silicone tube attached with the cannula needle.
Vaser Liposuction uses the same tumescent culture to add to it some advancements notably with the powerful ultrasound assisted cannula which when inserted to the prepared treated area does the breaking up of fat smoother as compared to the traditional procedure. The ultrasound frequencies create a warm vibration inside the skin layers with the probes reaching deep layers without the surgeon having to worry about damaging any tissues since the probes are effective to break up fat cells but not as harsh to damage tissues. The surgeon does need to move the cannula into the skin still but he can adjust and control the tool according to the requirement and can doesn’t need to do the vigorous movements as in to manually break up the tissue, he just sort of brushes the cannula into the fatty layers for 20-30 minutes which results in not just breaking of the fat but emulsifying it to a liquid which is really smooth while suctioning.
This is followed bandaging the treated area and suturing some, if not all of the surgical incisions. This is to drain out any extra liquids off the area that would bleed out in first few days after the surgery. A compression garment and the dressing would absorb the fluids without making a mess and the tight support of the garments would act like a corset but keep.
Now, many guidelines about this surgery claim that it contours your “body” which is absolutely true given that you are using it on your body. But what the seeking patient thinks that is going to revamp their entire look with it, even that is possible, but the point is that this surgery is area specific, if you are going for abdominal liposuction and expecting to get an evenly toned contours down your thighs and buttocks then it won’t be up to your expectations.
Realistic expectations are the key role of the patient when undergoing any procedure and it is the surgeon’s responsibility to guide them. Vaser Liposuction will only contour your treated areas and if you require toning your entire abdominal and pelvic region including thighs, then go for a thigh lift along with abdominoplasty. This is specific to treatable areas.
Arm liposuction in London is very common as it, there are a number of patients who complain that from the back of their arms they have a bulging and lose skin hanging. An arm liposuction procedure includes the same procedure with or without excision of the skin. It’s a 90min long procedure and requires no such downtime.
Another breakthrough is Vaser Hi Def liposuction. which followed by the removal of the fat can actually use another specialised probe to make more superficial grooves in the skin, dimpling it smoothly to enhance the musculature of the six pack appearance.
Vaser hi def doesn’t give a natural six pack but rather a mold of it, with regular exercise and diet and workout you can fill up the interiors of this mold with natural six pack the hi def lipo procedure is to speed up the process. Post surgery it takes about 4-6 months to come to the final results wherein you can fill up your schedule with gymming and exercises and to your peers it will look that you have gained it naturally.

Swelling, bruising and pan and bloating sensations and unavoidable and normal post operative trauma’s of this surgery. Any pain or bloating sensation is most likely to go off within 2days without any painkillers, while the swelling given the support of the compression garments seeping of the excess fluids is expected to normalize within a week. Give this surgery a downtime of 2-4weeks depending on the number of treated areas and size of the fat removed.

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