Friday, 7 June 2013

Ultrasonic Liposuction surgical care and downtime

All liposuction surgery consists of three key factors that are following of pre surgical instructions usage of the type of technique, type of technology, and the post operative massages and prescribed exercising and dieting.
Technique – the technique refers to the usage of anaesthetics by means to prepare the treatable area. Surgeons widely use the tumescent wet technique to perform any liposuction as the most effective and sage anaesthetic. It uses local anaesthetics mixed with adrenalin and tumescent agents that numb and firmly expand up the treatable and shrink the surrounding blood vessels controlling the force of blood flow hence controlling the amount of blood loss. This prevention of invasiveness can cause a faster recovery.

Technology of Ultrasound Vaser Liposuction
The Vaser Liposuction is the typical brand name for ultrasonic technology. The ultrasonic technology which uses sound frequencies as a medium to melt down the body fat in the targeted area before suction makes the suction more smooth resulting in less exertion by the surgeon hence it can lead to minimal invasiveness and progressive downtime.
Vaser Liposuction is not so new anymore, however it still the most advanced form of liposuction considered by a number of plastic surgeons who perform it. However, there are some basic principles as on whom this surgery can be performed.
This surgery is not for people whose body weight have exceeded more than 20pounds in the BMI. This surgery is developed for body contouring not weight losing or dropping dress sizes, and however people do lose a little weight and some inches, but it is regarded as an added advantage rather than an asset because sometimes as a side effect patients have notified about their body weight being increasing. However they have not developed their treated areas to sag, patients often complain body weight to return after several weeks, months and even years of surgery.
While patient mistake this condition as the fat coming back to their body surgeons explain that the fat once removed from the treated area do not come back, however sometimes the essential fat cells of the body react to the surgery by means to expand and giving out the mirage that the fat is coming.
At the consultation before surgery the patient is required to keep a clear communication with the surgeon about his or her lifestyle habits, drug usage including herbal remedies and other drugs which one can get even without prescriptions like aspirins.  Quitting smoking and restrain from drinking habits sincerely also affects your final results and recovery. Because these drugs, smokes and liquors first stimulate and then relax your tendons and collagens which are more prone to damage when an invasion like the ultrasonic probes of a Vaser Liposuction it might delay your recovery and deter your final results.
During the surgery it is important that your chosen is a qualified and genuinely compassionate surgeon who have understanding of your aesthetic conditions and capacities and who knows what is best for you.
Post surgery, it is strongly recommended that you take the special massage sessions prescribed for Liposuction patients that is for once a week for 3-4 months post surgery might be very beneficial to evade your body fat from expanding and you gaining extra weight and having the desired final result

These factors do affect the downtime and only here both pre and post surgical engages the final results.
This information is part of a freshly started research about Vaser Liposuction, vaser hi def and the ultrasonic technology powered by it, this piece of research is conducted with formal discussion with an eminent plastic surgeon in London. This surgery has the same approach in all parts of the world, so research can be useful worldwide.

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