Friday 7 June 2013

The proper procedure of Vaser Liposuction

The people who have liposuction surgery are probably quite aware of the whole procedure and how it works and how it doesn’t. This is more for the usual patients who undergo this surgery despite being scared of the cannula and relying on the anaesthesia as the only savior. If you look at the online forums you would a number of such cases who did not have a good experience with their lipo surgery. It is much discouraging for the patients as well as for the developers who took years of practice to perfect this procedure for the benefits of body contouring.
Choosing the right surgeon is of course the most important thing to do here, but remember the fact that you are choosing him to use him in the best way possible. Use him to consult with you and communicate with you what are the benefits and risks in your case. Since you already know what are the basics. A good surgeon will tell you step by step about your fat amount, problem areas and even the technique that is best for you. Yes, it is most likely that a good surgeon is supposed to know the best, but you shouldn’t be guessing it right.
The consultation usually takes a day or another to assess your medical history, to discuss your case that includes your lifestyle, eating, sleeping and narcotic habits. Your family past medical history, your body weight scaling in the BMI and your expectations from the surgery.

Usually it is advised by qualified surgeons not to exceed 5liters of fat removal that is a large amount to lose is prone to invasiveness and post surgical trauma and even health hazards since the body won’t be prepared for a massive change that it would be. Go for smaller amounts and 2-3 areas at a time than grab the whole in one procedure. If you want to lose more, then do it again the following year. Yes, this can be expensive, but this is still a better deal because this maximizes the satisfaction and safety.
There are a number of Liposuction techniques to choose from, which is better consulted personally with your surgeon. Now, none of the procedures of Liposuction is 100%predictable and the final results will differ than what you had expected. In this place before after images and videos make a good use to determine what kind of a body type you have and what kind of a
If you are undergoing liposuction, learn about the techniques that were used and are used now. Dry Liposuctions is not used at all anymore. This will make sure that you receive the standard of care you deserve and that you have results that you want.
The liposuction technique uses the wet liposuction. Before the dry technique was in use which is general anaesthesia wherein the patient would be fully asleep for 3hours and won’t know a thing during the surgery. But it would after waking up that the patient would be introduced to a lot of pain, weakness and trauma due to excessive blood loss that the dry technique couldn’t prevent. It is called dry because there would be usage of gas inhalation to put the patient to sleep.
The wet technique involves intravenous injection of a saline solution made of anaesthetics and adrenaline it could be general or local both. This helps to reduce bleeding, bruising and swelling, and also makes it easier for the fat cells to be removed.
And then there is super wet technique in case you have opted for the maximum limit of suction of 4-5liters. An incision is made in your skin to allow a vacuum pump or syringe to be inserted. This is moved within the fatty tissue to suck out the fat and fluid. Finally, the cut is then closed with stitches.
All kinds of liposuction in use nowadays undergo the wet technique. If that is the only anesthesia used, it may be called "tumescent" technique, but that is an anesthesia method, not a different lipo method. It has its own risks and potential benefits.
Many patients opt for intravenous sedation for more comfort, and another option is general anesthesia. Where it starts to get more complicated is with lasers; these are all the brand name procedures. However, lasers carry the risk of burns and the advantages are not as well proven as the ads would lead you to believe.

Finally there is ultrasonic lipo, which is usually VASER liposuction . Just keep in mind that liposuction is surgery and should be done in an accredited surgical facility regardless of the technique. Vaser liposuction, also called LipoSelection, is another alternate technology to traditional liposuction. Vaser ultrasonic liposuction is still a process by which fatty deposits are removed from beneath the skin to improve the aesthetics of a particular body part. Optimally, patients who are treated by Vaser liposuction are in good physical condition and are looking for a contouring or body sculpturing as opposed to using liposuction as a way to lose weight.

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